We understand the complexities of an elder abuse case and are here to help.
Placing a loved one in a nursing home or care facility is never an easy decision. Rightfully, you expect they will receive a certain level of care and treatment while there. Unfortunately, there are many instances when this does not happen and your loved one is harmed or neglected.

Know the signs of elder abuse
There are several ways to identify signs of elder abuse, either financially or though neglect. For instance, care takers or those responsible for the well-being of an elder might not be intending to purposely harm someone with ill intent, however, if they are drugging them up and ignoring them, or failing to give them baths, or failing to basic day-to-day treatment and living, that is a case for neglect. In these cases, you may notice the following signs when visiting your loved one:
- Severe bed sores
- Urine-soaked sheets
- Skin diseases like scabies
- Evidence of a fall, such as bruises, cuts, or broken bones
Most of the time family members will notice that something is wrong when they go visit their loved ones and they looked disheveled or not dressed appropriately.
We're here to listen and support you!
Attorney Vanessa Pena has worked with countless families to successfully resolve some of the most careless and fraudulent acts of negligence and abuse against elderly individuals. Approaching each case with compassion and the well-being for her clients and their families, Vanessa will advocate aggressively for your rights and the monetary recovery for your damages, loss and/or pain and suffering.
I have a feeling my elderly family member is being abused or neglected, what should I do?
Trust your gut instinct
If you think a you or an elderly loved one is being neglected or abused in any way, you are most likely right. It is important to contact an attorney immediately, as time is the most precious component in these types of cases.